Five Ways to Stop Losing Money in Your Restaurant

To run a successful and profitable restaurant, most business owners are always looking for ways to cut costs while still maintaining high-quality offerings. Here are five areas to examine in your restaurant. Outdated Equipment If your kitchen equipment could classify as "vintage," chances are you don't have energy-efficient models. Commercial refrigeration and freezer units, for instance, are some of the mostly costly pieces of equipment to operate in a restaurant, and they are running every day of the year, twenty-four hours a day, whether your restaurant is open or not.

3 Easy Ways To Incorporate Chia Seeds Into Your Lunches At Work

Chia seeds are one of the great super foods. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber and protein, chia seeds are good and good for you. If you're looking for an easy way to incorporate more protein into your lunches at work, chia seeds can be useful, however, they're not a standard ingredient in many lunch recipes. These 3 tips will help you include chia seeds into your weekly lunches.

Expanding Your Palate: 3 Amazing African Ingredients You Have To Try

Americans are developing a more and more refined palate, with a recent study showing that 64% of consumers are much more adventurous in their choice of cuisine when dining out. It's hard to replicate a lot of tastes and flavors at home. In particular, you may have a hard time finding African restaurants locally, and not all restaurants may have the herbs and spices needed to completely replicate the flavors found in traditional African dishes.